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Communications/Community_Wi_Fi_and_Payphones (MapServer)

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Service Description:

National Indigenous Australian Agency Data

Wi-Fi Hubs

Displays location of stand-alone NBN compatible pay-per-use Wi-Fi services.

The Wi-Fi Hubs dataset contains the community's name (where the Wi-Fi service occurs), state and latitude and longitude point location.

Wi-Fi Telephones

The Wi-Fi Telephone dataset contains the telephones community name location, state, latitude and longitude point location and phone number.

Note: WP40 = location of existing WiFi phones converted to nbn compatibility and sustainable pay-per-use (including Dirribiyuk).

Community Payphones

The Community Payphones dataset the community's name of where the payphone is located, alternative name, latitude and longitude point location, state, number of phones and CPP line number.

NOTE: CP-14 refers to communities with payphones where the Department has installed an independent, nbn-compatible, pay-per-use WiFi service (14 sites).

The Wi-Fi Hubs, Wi-Fi Telephones and Community Payphones data has been provided by National Indigenous Australian Agency who funded the Remote Indigenous Community Telecommunications (RICT) activity. The RICT provides services to remote First Nations communities not covered by the payphone component of the Universal Services Guarantee (i.e. small communities consisting of 50 or less adults). In large communities, RICT provides a cheaper cost alternative to Telstra payphones.

NBN Data

Community Wi-Fi

The Community Wi-Fi dataset documents that locations of First Nations communities where NBN has provided Community Wi-Fi (Communities in Isolation Program).

Map Name: Community Wi-Fi and Payphones


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Layers: Description:

National Indigenous Australian Agency Data

Wi-Fi Hubs

Displays location of stand-alone NBN compatible pay-per-use Wi-Fi services.

The Wi-Fi Hubs dataset contains the community's name (where the Wi-Fi service occurs), state and latitude and longitude point location.

Wi-Fi Telephones

The Wi-Fi Telephone dataset contains the telephones community name location, state, latitude and longitude point location and phone number.

Note: WP40 = location of existing WiFi phones converted to nbn compatibility and sustainable pay-per-use (including Dirribiyuk).

Community Payphones

The Community Payphones dataset the community's name of where the payphone is located, alternative name, latitude and longitude point location, state, number of phones and CPP line number.

NOTE: CP-14 refers to communities with payphones where the Department has installed an independent, nbn-compatible, pay-per-use WiFi service (14 sites).

The Wi-Fi Hubs, Wi-Fi Telephones and Community Payphones data has been provided by National Indigenous Australian Agency who funded the Remote Indigenous Community Telecommunications (RICT) activity. The RICT provides services to remote First Nations communities not covered by the payphone component of the Universal Services Guarantee (i.e. small communities consisting of 50 or less adults). In large communities, RICT provides a cheaper cost alternative to Telstra payphones.

NBN Data

Community Wi-Fi

The Community Wi-Fi dataset documents that locations of First Nations communities where NBN has provided Community Wi-Fi (Communities in Isolation Program).

Service Item Id: 667096839c6243eb9413c926dd464448

Copyright Text: National Indigenous Australians Agency and NBN.

Spatial Reference: 102100  (3857)

Single Fused Map Cache: false

Initial Extent: Full Extent: Units: esriMeters


Document Info: Supports Dynamic Layers: true

MaxRecordCount: 2000

MaxImageHeight: 4096

MaxImageWidth: 4096

Supported Query Formats: JSON, geoJSON, PBF

Supports Query Data Elements: true

Min Scale: 0

Max Scale: 0

Supports Datum Transformation: true

Child Resources:   Info   Dynamic Layer

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