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snippet: Address validation for CHART grants eligibility. Street address are compared to a base layer created using a modified ABS UCL 2016 dataset to check for their eligibility to submit a CHART grant application.
summary: Address validation for CHART grants eligibility. Street address are compared to a base layer created using a modified ABS UCL 2016 dataset to check for their eligibility to submit a CHART grant application.
extent: [[96.8169414017049,-43.7405095969904],[167.998034990383,-9.14217598990471]]
accessInformation: Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications
thumbnail: thumbnail/thumbnail.png
maxScale: 1.7976931348623157E308
typeKeywords: ["Data","Service","Feature Service","ArcGIS Server","Feature Access","providerSDS"]
description: <p>In accordance with the directives received from the OFTA, a basic geocoding tool was built to allow proponents to determine whether or not they were eligible to submit a application for the CHART grants.</p><p>Street address is compared to a base layer derived from the ABS UCL 2016 dataset to delineate urban areas with populations greater than 1 million populations which were regions to be ineligible. The dataset was modified to make the urban area of Canberra up to the ACT/NSW border as ineligible.</p><p>The Museum layer was obtained from the Navigate Point of Interest 2020 Q4 dataset.  On the request of the OFTA, all attribute data was removed.</p><p>The map background utilizes the ESRI World Topographic and World Hillshade services, as well as the ESRI geocoding service (restricted to the Australian region)</p>
licenseInfo: <span style='font-family: &quot;Avenir Next W01&quot;, &quot;Avenir Next W00&quot;, &quot;Avenir Next&quot;, Avenir, &quot;Helvetica Neue&quot;, sans-serif; font-size: 16px;'>To be used solely as a guide by proponents to determine their eligibility to apply for a CHART grant (OFTA)</span>
title: OFTA CHART Address Validator v2_WFL1
type: Feature Service
tags: ["CHART OFTA eligibility","ABS UCL","Esri Geocoder","Museums","Galleries","Eligibility","OFTA","CHART"]
culture: en-AU
name: OFTA_CHART_Address_Validator_v2_WFL1
guid: 1BCD52D7-F9F0-4682-9EEC-AB4FAD552DA0
minScale: 0
spatialReference: WGS_1984_Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere